Important Changes are Coming to the EBB Program

On December 8, 2021, the Federal Communications Commission issued an order ending the temporary Emergency Broadband Benefit Program (EBB Program) and enacting, in its place, the new Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP).At 5 PM central standard time on December 30, 2021, the EBB program will officially end, and on December 31, the ACP will begin. There are several important changes that we want to communicate to you:

  • The benefit amount will change from $50.00 per month to $30.00 per month for all new enrollees to the program. Households on Tribal lands will continue to be eligible to receive a benefit of up to $75.00 per month.
  • All subscribers enrolled in the EBB program as of 5 PM on Thursday, December 30, 2021, will be automatically enrolled in the ACP but you will continue to receive your current EBB program benefit of $50.00 per month for 60 days while the systems are transitioned. On March 1, 2022, all ACP discounts will be reduced to $30.00 per month, with the exception of households on Tribal Lands, whose benefit will remain unchanged under the ACP.
  • If you qualified for EBB due to significant financial loss or participation in a service provider’s COVID-19 relief program, you may be asked to recertify for participation in the ACP.
  • You are free to switch service offerings at any time.
  • There may be, at some future time, the requirement to re-certify annually.

If you are required to take any action to maintain your benefit, you will be notified by the program administrator, the Universal Service Administration Company (USAC). More information will be provided by USAC as the rules are finalized and rolled out. We will also update you on any additional changes as we become aware of them.